06 February 2009

Milestones - Part I

First Time to Church
We took the girls to church for the first time on Jan. 25. Lilly slept the whole time and Layla woke just once for a bottle and went back to sleep. It was fun to take Layla to Young Women's, and Lilly went to Priesthood with Doug. These are things I never thought I'd get to experience.

(Layla had tights on too I promise, but this picture was taken a few hours after we got home. And I know, the flowers are a bit big (Doug calls them satellite dishes), but I think they're adorable.)

First Trip to WalMart, Just the 3 of Us
A couple of days ago I finally took the girls to WalMart ... without anyone else with us. For some reason I have avoided taking the girls out alone. It takes so much time for me to prepare just to leave the house. Maybe I'm not organized enough, but before we leave I have to make sure they have both eaten enough, have clean diapers, I need to have pumped recently, etc. etc. and by the time we're ready to leave it seems they're ready to eat again and need their diapers changed again.

Anyway, the trip to WalMart went pretty smoothly, until I got to the checkstand, emptied everything I was going to purchase onto the counter, and realized that I had left my wallet in the truck. The checker let me just put our stuff to the side and run out to the truck for my wallet. Not until we were back in the truck did the girls get grumpy, so we cut short the rest of our trip and headed home.

Out to Lunch
This week we also went to lunch for the first time, with Brittany and Isabella. All three girls were so good and their mommies had a great time.

1 comment:

marinda said...

Hi it's Marinda, Doug Kunz's sister! I just had to laugh through the tears reading this post. You see my twins just turned 5 years old and I am having a hard time dealing with them growing up. Although that first year was SOOOOOO hard with them and a 2 1/2 yr old, I miss having those 2 babies. But they do grow up and I am grateful. They are both the best of friends!!! It is so cute and fun to watch them help each other every step of the way! Hang in there every day! Sometimes things seem so hectic, but nothing is more precious than those 2 sweet little princesses!!! They are sooo beautiful! good luck and Enjoy!