07 November 2008

Layla Sandra Hancock is Home!

This morning when I arrived at the NICU to visit Layla, the nurse said, "did you bring her goin' home clothes?" "YES I DID!". So we packed up and brought her home.
So 19 days after they were born, Layla and Lilly are finally both home with us.
Layla weighed 4lbs 14.2 ozs last night and is finally eating really well now. They are both so precious. I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for granting me with such wonderful blessings: a loving, kind, handsome, caring husband who I love very much; two beautiful baby girls; a mother who is absolutely the best, more so that I can put into words; and a fabulous "extended" family.

The doctors and nurses at Banner Desert NICU are really great I must say. Dr. Hamburg was absolutely wonderful and I'm grateful she took care of our babies while we were there. If you gotta use a NICU, I highly recommend Banner Desert ... although I hear Maricopa County Hospital has at least 1 fabulous NICU nurse and 1 marvelous pediatric nurse.
Love Forever.


Margaret said...

Yea they are home. and they are so dang cute. I am traumatized that I can't come over and hug on them. But I guarantee as soon as I am well, Look out cause Aunt Margie will be there. I love you and am so excited for you. What an incredible blessing they are. So now they are all YOURS. Good luck you guys. We are all here for you.

MaRilla said...

YAY I can not even say how excited I am for you!!!!!! What a blessing! They are beautiful! so Remeber you were saying that your prediction was one would be more like Dran and one more like Doug... which is which? Love you, Can't wait to see you and the girls.

The Madsens said...

oh my goodness they are so cute i cant wait to meet them but I'll see you on thanksgiving because were coming down. You have no idea how excited i am

Lyndy Butler said...

I love Lily and Layla!
and Dran and Doug too but mostly Lily and Layla.
They are beautiful!

The Lowes said...

Yay! Congratulations on having everyone at home now! They are so tiny, I love how itty bitty they look in that "huge" car seat. They are so precious!

Anonymous said...

That is great news! They are so adorable and looks like you are already getting good use of the bouncy seats. May God wrap his loving arms around your little family and keep you all safe! Sharro Jo

marinda said...

what ADORABLE babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so excited for you guys! what precious little angels from heaven! i remember when my twins were born & the day i brought them home! sweet sweet memories- oh, love every second of thoses precious first months! they go by so very quickly! good luck & hang in there-even when both of them are crying and you are very tired-they r still so fun & so very precious- double blessings all in one- Glad u r all doing well!
loves - max & marinda & fam
(I'm doug(brittanys)sister from ID)
Thank you so much again for being so good to us all in june when we were all down there!

Debi Lassen said...

We are so happy both babies are home with you now. What great blessings!
I'm up in Provo helping take care of our newest little granddaugter born this past Wednesday. Our daughter, Trine delivered a baby girl on November 12th. Her name is Kayla Mae. Aren't newborns so precious?

Love to you all!
cousin Debi

Natalie and Logan said...

Wow they are so precious. I am so happy that you have them both at home. They are just too cute. I can't wait to see them next week! Logan and I are coming home on Wednesday, we are so excited to see you all.